Insytful identifies opportunities to improve your website's technical SEO quality. Technical SEO failures include missing meta descriptions from documents, links do not have descriptive text and links are not crawlable.
The platform scans your entire website and categorises content into passed audits, failed audits, and manual audits. The audits report on all SEO issues found and visually display your SEO progress over time.
SEO failed audits
Failed audits are ranked by the number of occurences and by their severity. If an SEO failure is also an accessibility failure, it will rank higher than an SEO issue alone.
Users can prioritise fixes to their web content based on the web pages with the worst-performing content or pages with the highest number of failed issues.
By fixing the issues identified by Insytful, you can help drive more traffic to your website and improve your organic page ranking. Your Insytful SEO score is an indication of how well optimised your content and page structure are for this purpose.