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Revoke an invite

If you invited someone by mistake or you changed your mind, you can revoke an invitation.

1. To revoke an invite, go to Settings in Insytful.

2. Go to User invites and find the invite you wish to revoke.

Step 3. Simply click on the “Revoke invite” button on the right side of the page.

Please note, the person invited will still receive the invitation email. However, the invite link will not work anymore.

View revoked invites

1. To see revoked invites, you need to go to Settings.

2. Go to Revoked invites. Here you can see all invites that were revoked for your site

Removing users

You cannot revoke an invite that has already been accepted. You will need to remove the user from your site if you wish to revoke their access.

Still need help?

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