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Readability scores indicate how easy or difficult users might find it to read your web content.

Insytful uses the industry-standard Flesch algorithm to calculate these scores.

Please remember that readability it is only an indication and not an exact measurement.

How the Flesch readability algorithm works

The algorithm takes into account;

  • The length of syllables in a word
  • The number of words in a sentence
  • And the number of sentences in a paragraph.

The shorter the words, sentences, and paragraphs your content is made up of, the easier perceived readability it has by the Flesch algorithm.

However, by making sentences too short, or opting to use a shorter synonym for a word, you might lose clarity and make your content more difficult to understand, but receive a better score.

When rewriting your content you have to make sure your copy is still clear, precise, and easy to understand by everyone. Please read further on our Readability checklist.

What content is checked by Insytful?

Insytful tries to give you the most accurate results for your content by stripping out all navigation, header and footer, promo cards, and other elements that are not part of the core content of the webpage. The remaining copy is what Insytful checks for readability.

Pages marked with no readability score

Some of your webpages might not have enough copy to get an accurate readability score.

For example, landing pages which are more aesthetic, or are used for navigating users, might not have enough content. These pages Insytful marks with “No readability score”.

Still need help?

If you still need help after reading this article, don't hesitate to reach out to the Insytful community on Slack or raise a support ticket to get help from our team.
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