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Privacy and cookies

This privacy policy outlines the way we collect and process your personal data on this website and our basis for doing so.

We take your privacy very seriously. We will tell you before we collect any personal data from you and we’ll never sell it or share it with anybody else. The safe handling of data is the foundation of what we do – so you can rest assured that any personal data you provide to us is in good hands.

About this policy

This privacy policy outlines the way we collect and process your personal information on this website and our basis for doing so. We may update this policy from time to time to reflect new ways we are processing your data. When we do this we will let you know.

Who are we?

We are Zengenti. We produce the Contensis content management system and build websites for some of Europe's leading organisations. We are a private limited company based in the UK. Our company number is 04235317 and our ICO registration number is Z8812933. Our registered address is:

The Old Pump House Cleedownton Ludlow SY8 3EG

If you have any questions about how we handle your data, you can contact our data protection officer by emailing

What personal data do we collect on this website?

In general you can use this website without providing any personal data. If you choose to use certain features you may need to provide your name, email address, and other information. We will always ask you before we collect your personal data.

We collect your personal data in the following ways:

Help desk registration

  • If you want to access the secure areas of the site (the help desk and work requests areas) you will need to provide your name, email address and set a password.
  • You can deregister from the site at any time.
  • If you deregister from the site we will keep a record of your email address so we know not to re-register you in future.


  • If you fill in a form on this website we will store your name, email address, and any other information you provide in our customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • We may keep a record of your correspondence for future reference in case you contact us again.
  • We may send you content we think will interest you from time to time.
  • You can unsubscribe from our marketing emails at any time.
  • If you unsubscribe from our marketing emails we will keep a record of your email address so we know not to contact you.

Live chat

  • When you contact us through the live chat function on this site, we use your IP address to determine your location, so we can improve the service we provide across different time zones.

Content downloads

  • When you enter your name and email to download an ebook, white paper, or other piece of content from this site we will store your name and email address.
  • We do this so that we can send you a link to download the content.
  • We will also add your email address to a mailing list and send you marketing emails from time to time with related content we think will be of interest to you.

IP addresses

  • We collect your IP address when you visit this website.
  • We do this to tailor our marketing messaging and content.


Like most other websites, this site uses cookies. A cookie is a small file that is saved on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies don’t contain any information about you. However, sometimes our server may request that your computer return a cookie to it so that we can identify you have visited our website before.

The cookies we place on your device fall into three broad categories:

  • Functional

We use certain cookies to provide you with a consistent experience when you visit our website. These cookies record which settings you've changed on our site. This includes things like remembering the volume level you've set on our video player so it's the same next time you visit.

  • Analytical

We use some cookies to monitor how well our website works. These cookies record anonymous data on how visitors use our website. This includes how many people have looked at certain pages, how long visitors stay on the site, and what devices they use. We use this data to identify changes that we could make to improve your experience and to make our website more efficient.

  • Tracking and advertising

We set some cookies so we can show you more relevant marketing content. We use cookies generated by our own personalisation platform to track which pages you view on this website and use this information to show you content we think you would like to see next. We also use cookies from third-party advertising networks – including Google and Facebook – to show you different adverts on their services if you have visited our site in the past.

You can stop Google showing you advertising based on cookies here. You can stop Facebook from tracking you by following the step-by-step guidance in their cookie policy.

Alternatively, you can opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page or control the use of device identifiers by using your device’s settings.

Other tracking technologies

We also use other tracking technologies known as pixels on this website and in our emails. A tracking pixel is a tiny image that is loaded when you visit a website or open an email. Pixels are used to track certain user activities, such as when you visit a page on this website or open one of our email newsletters. Pixels usually do this by setting a cookie on your device.

Certain third-party platforms we advertise on, such as Facebook, rely on pixels to personalise the adverts you are shown on their platform. Because pixels usually track you by placing a cookie on your device, you can stop them from working by disabling cookies.

Who do we share your information with?

We value your personal data and will never share it with, or sell it to, anybody else. All personal data you submit through a form on this website is stored on servers in our own UK data centres.

However, some cloud services we use – to send you emails for example – are based in countries outside of the UK/EEA. We will store your personal data – such as your name and email address – on these services. We only use services from providers that have a signed contract with Zengenti based on the EU-approved Standard Contractual Clauses.

We use these services:

  • MailChimp – to store email marketing lists and send email newsletters to send certain transactional emails, such as to confirm you’ve successfully signed up for a webinar.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 – to store contact details of existing customers and potential customers.
  • Hotjar – to anonymously record browsing sessions so that we can identify and fix user experience problems with this website.

We use some cookies and tracking technology from other third-party services – such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook – on this site. If you use these third-party services they will be able to track your use of this website. We use these cookies and tracking technologies so that we can show you more relevant advertising on those platforms.

Your rights

Under current UK and EU legislation you have the right to:

  • access any information we hold about you
  • withdraw any consent you have given us to process your data
  • ask us to stop processing your personal data for marketing purposes
  • request that we correct any inaccurate information we hold about you
  • request that we delete your data
  • complain to your data protection regulator – in the UK this is the Information Commissioner’s Office (opens in new window)

To exercise any of your rights, please contact us.

Domain names

  • For domain enquiries, abuse notification (i.e. phishing scams, spam emails etc), and complaints, please contact us on 01584 824202 or email
  • All complaints will be investigated immediately – we will aim to reply to all queries within 5 business days.
  • If you’re not happy with the initial outcome of your complaint, then please feel free to escalate your .uk issue to Nominet (the .uk registry) via their complaints page (opens in new window).


Last updated: 12 February 2021